Donate Now to Sunrise Theatre Foundation

Donate to Programs
Your contribution may be tax deductible.
A contribution to the Sunrise Theatre Foundation supports:
Happy and Hopeful Ticket Event
Play It Forward
Adopt A Bus
Children's Summer Theatre Camp
Pave the Way
General Donations

Pave the Way: Show your support for the Sunrise Theatre by purchasing a brick for just $150 that will be placed at the front entrance to the theatre. Your personalized brick will be a lasting expression of your commitment to the theatre and the Foundation.
Donate to Pave the Way Below
You can add multiple bricks by adding to the cart and then changing the quantity.
Max 13 characters per line.

Adopt A Bus: Bus Transportation is provided for students to the Theatre. Over the years the Sunrise Theatre Foundation has raised transportation funds for more than 85,000 student visits. Please join the Foundation as we continue to bring buses of excited children to our Sunrise Theatre.
Donate to Adopt A Bus Below

Children's Summer Theatre Camp: As a partnership between The Sunrise Theatre and The Sunrise Theatre Foundation, there are two separate, three-week children’s summer programs. The summer camp program is about acting and performing. Our support for the Children’s Summer Theatre Camp helps children and teens develop appreciation and experience the art of theatre.
Donate to The Children's Summer Theatre Camp Below

Happy and Hopeful Ticket Event: We purchase tickets for children in need in St. Lucie County to attend appropriate theatre shows. We work with agencies that have an existing relationship with the Children's Services Council of St. Lucie County and serve children who we believe would benefit most from this event. The agency is responsible for bringing and chaperoning the children.
Donate to Happy and Hopeful Below

Play It Forward: Help Children Experience Performing LIVE THEATRE. Your generosity helps local children enjoy exciting Sunrise Theatre experiences. The Foundation provides tickets and transportation for several performances suitable for children each year.
Donate to Play It Forward Below

General Donations: If you don’t have a preference on where your valuable donation is earmarked, you can make a donation to the Sunrise Theatre Foundation’s general fund, and the Board of Directors will insure that your money is directed to our most needy cause.
Donate to General Donations Below

The Sunrise Theatre Foundation has partnered with the Community Foundation of Martin and St. Lucie Counties. The objective of this partnership is to provide a place for our supporters to make donations in cash, check, stocks, bonds, and other financial vehicles.
We have set up two accounts that can be considered: an endowment fund, which will provide scholarships to children for our summer camp and live theatre programs. The second fund is set up to provide for special needs of the theatre, such as keeping the technology of the theatre current, or for the replacement of physical plant items as needed.
If you have any questions about the Community Foundation, please contact us by e-mail at []
( or phone 772-200-4766.
The Community Foundation Martin St. Lucie: You can make a contribution to any of our accounts which are managed by the Community Foundation of Martin and St. Lucie Counties. In conjunction with the Community Foundation, you may make a one-time donation, or you may sign up for a monthly recurring donation by using these links: